Copy an Expense Report
When you need to submit an expense report, you can copy an existing one as your starting point.
Provided you have proper system rights, the copy can by created for individuals other than the original owner and can be propagated to multiple employees.
To copy an existing expense report, complete the following steps.
Copy on the toolbar to display the "Create New Report from Existing Report screen.
If you clicked
Copy from the Welcome page, the Copy Expense Report dialog box displays, where you must first search for the expense report you want to copy.
On the Purpose tab of the Create New Report from Existing Report screen, click
next to the Employee Name field to select the employee for whom you want to copy the authorization.
To copy the expense report for a multiple employees, see Copy an Expense Report for Multiple Employee(s).
- Review and complete the remaining fields on the Purpose tab and click Continue.
- Complete fields and options on the Location(s) tab and click Continue.
- Complete fields and options on the Default Charge(s) tab and click Create.
After you click Create, the screen refreshes, and the new expense report ID number displays in the title bar. The remaining sections of the Expense Report form display as follows:
- Header Area — This area displays information you just completed on the Purpose tab and other information that is automatically generated.
- Background — The Background section contains the three tabs you just completed: Purpose, Location(s), Default Charge(s).
- Claimed Expenses — Use this section to add the individual expenses that will be charged against the expense report.
- Supporting Schedules — This section displays supporting schedules, such as the default charge allocation. Additional supporting schedules become available as they are added.
- Workflow Status — This section of the expense report form displays all the tasks that are required or optional for the expense report.